Markus Raiber, M.Sc.
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Raum: 260
CS 50.34 - Tel.: +49 721 608-44257
- Fax: +49 721 608-55022
- markus raiber ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Am Fasanengarten 5
76131 Karlsruhe
- Praktische Sichere Mehrparteienberechnung
- Privacy und Fairness
- Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
- Post-Quantum Kryptographie
Berger, R.; Broadnax, B.; Klooß, M.; Mechler, J.; Müller-Quade, J.; Ottenhues, A.; Raiber, M.
Composable Long-Term Security with Rewinding
2023. Theory of Cryptography – 21st International Conference, TCC 2023, Taipei, Taiwan, November 29–December 2, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV. Ed.: G. Rothblum, 510 – 541, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-48624-1_19
Composable Long-Term Security with Rewinding
2023. Theory of Cryptography – 21st International Conference, TCC 2023, Taipei, Taiwan, November 29–December 2, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV. Ed.: G. Rothblum, 510 – 541, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-48624-1_19
Fetzer, V.; Klooß, M.; Müller-Quade, J.; Raiber, M.; Rupp, A.
Universally Composable Auditable Surveillance
2023. Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2023 – 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Guangzhou, China, December 4–8, 2023, Proceedings, Part II. Ed.: J. Guo, 453 – 487, Springer Nature Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-99-8724-5_14
Universally Composable Auditable Surveillance
2023. Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2023 – 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Guangzhou, China, December 4–8, 2023, Proceedings, Part II. Ed.: J. Guo, 453 – 487, Springer Nature Singapore. doi:10.1007/978-981-99-8724-5_14
Berger, R. M.; Broadnax, B.; Klooß, M.; Mechler, J.; Müller-Quade, J.; Ottenhues, A.; Raiber, M.
Composable Long-Term Security with Rewinding
2023. Theory of Cryptography. 21th International Conference, TCC 2023. Proceedings, Part 1. Ed.: G. Rothblum, Springer-Verlag
Composable Long-Term Security with Rewinding
2023. Theory of Cryptography. 21th International Conference, TCC 2023. Proceedings, Part 1. Ed.: G. Rothblum, Springer-Verlag
Fetzer, V.; Keller, M.; Maier, S.; Raiber, M.; Rupp, A.; Schwerdt, R.
PUBA: Privacy-Preserving User-Data Bookkeeping and Analytics
2022. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2022 (2), 447–516. doi:10.2478/popets-2022-0054
PUBA: Privacy-Preserving User-Data Bookkeeping and Analytics
2022. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2022 (2), 447–516. doi:10.2478/popets-2022-0054
Stengele, O.; Raiber, M.; Müller-Quade, J.; Hartenstein, H.
ETHTID: Deployable Threshold Information Disclosure on Ethereum
2021. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA), Tartu, EST, November 15-16, 2021, 127–134, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/BCCA53669.2021.9657019
ETHTID: Deployable Threshold Information Disclosure on Ethereum
2021. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA), Tartu, EST, November 15-16, 2021, 127–134, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/BCCA53669.2021.9657019
Faller, S. H.; Baumer, P.; Klooß, M.; Koch, A.; Ottenhues, A.; Raiber, M.
Black-Box Accumulation Based on Lattices
2021. Cryptography and Coding : 18th IMA International Conference, IMACC 2021, Virtual Event, December 14–15, 2021, Proceedings. Ed.: M. B. Paterson, 220–246, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-92641-0_11
Black-Box Accumulation Based on Lattices
2021. Cryptography and Coding : 18th IMA International Conference, IMACC 2021, Virtual Event, December 14–15, 2021, Proceedings. Ed.: M. B. Paterson, 220–246, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-92641-0_11
Stengele, O.; Raiber, M.; Müller-Quade, J.; Hartenstein, H.
ETHTID: Deployable Threshold Information Disclosure on Ethereum
ETHTID: Deployable Threshold Information Disclosure on Ethereum
Hoffmann, M.; Klooß, M.; Raiber, M.; Rupp, A.
Black-Box Wallets: Fast Anonymous Two-Way Payments for Constrained Devices
2020. Proceedings on privacy enhancing technologies, 2020 (1), 165–194. doi:10.2478/popets-2020-0010
Black-Box Wallets: Fast Anonymous Two-Way Payments for Constrained Devices
2020. Proceedings on privacy enhancing technologies, 2020 (1), 165–194. doi:10.2478/popets-2020-0010
Titel | Typ | Semester | Dozent |
Übung zu Sicherheit | Übung (Ü) | SS 2019 | Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade Sven Maier Markus Raiber |
Übung zu Sicherheit | Übung (Ü) | SS 2020 | Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade Markus Raiber Christiane Kuhn |
Übung zu Sicherheit | Übung (Ü) | SS 2021 | Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Agrikola Markus Raiber Clemens Deußer |
Cryptographic Protocols | Lecture (V) | SS 2023 | Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade Markus Raiber |
Secure Computation | Seminar (S) | WS 19/20 | Prof. Dr. Dennis Hofheinz Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade Michael Klooß Sven Maier Markus Raiber Lisa Maria Kohl |
Ausgewählte Themen der Public-Key-Kryptographie | Seminar (S) | WS 20/21 | Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade Dr. Alexander Koch Markus Raiber Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Agrikola Valerie Fetzer |
Secure Multipary Computation | Seminar (S) | WS 21/22 | Markus Raiber Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade Dr. Alexander Koch TT-Prof. Dr. Christian Wressnegger Qi Zhao |
Secure Multipary Computation | Seminar (S) | WS 22/23 | Markus Raiber Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade Robin Marius Berger |
Secure Multipary Computation | Seminar (S) | WS 23/24 | Markus Raiber Prof. Dr. Jörn Müller-Quade Robin Marius Berger |